
Pokemon Burgers

by - 27.8.16

These Pokemon buns were inspired by Down-N-Out's 'Pokeburgs', located here in Sydney! I just think they're sooo cute!


Start with:
1/2 cup plain flour
1 tbsp instant dry yeast
1 cup hot water

Whisk all 3 ingredients in a large bowl. Leave for 10 minutes until frothy.

Then add:
3 tbsp melted butter
2 tbsp + 1 tspn granulated sugar
1 tspn salt
2 1/2 cups plain flour (add little by little)


Once it becomes a dough, divide into 3 balls.
Colour each ball yellow (Pikachu), blue (Squirtle) and orange (Charmander).
I used a stand mixer to begin with, then eventually used my hands to blend the colours well into the dough.
Might get a little bit tricky, but think of it as a hand work out!

Once coloured, put the balls into 3 separate bowls and rub it with oil.
Cover each bowl with cling wrap and set aside for 1 hour.
(the dough will double in size within that hour.)

After an hour, divide each dough into 2 balls and tuck all edges under until it looks like a bun.
Place widely apart on a tray with baking paper, cover with cling wrap then set aside for another hour until these buns have risen and expanded.

Once done, remove cling wrap and bake in the oven at 180 C (356 F) for 15 minutes.


1/2 kg minced beef
1 whole onion (grinded)
1 whole carrot (grinded)
splash of oyster sauce (be generous for more flavour!)
sprinkle of salt & pepper (again, if you want it to be tastier, just add more!)
some flour
some grated cheese (secret ingredient alert!)
some seasoning of your choice (optional: chicken salt, your favourite chilli flavour etc)


Add all ingredients in a bowl.
Mix everything. 
I prefer using my hands to mix when flavouring the beef (I wore gloves.. optional).
But of course, you can always use your favourite wooden spoon!

Once mixed well, shape the burgers into round patties. My trick is rolling each portion into a ball (between my hands) and slowly flattening it with my palms, until I get the right shape I want.
Remember to make the patties slightly bigger than your buns, as cooking it will make them shrink (just a tad bit!)

Once all patties are in shape, it's ready to cook!

Fry the patties in a pan with some oil.
Flip and flop 'em till it turns brown and smell soooo goooooooood.


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